It is another story of a girl coming to city in search of a better life and getting it after a lot of troubles. The only big twist is that the girl was born as a boy. This story begins at the temple in Pramod's village. Although Pramod was not at all religious, he still went to temple as it was a place where lot of people from city came everyday. It was here that he met Vishika. Vishika was a very pretty girl who had decided to come to this temple everyday for the whole month. She came in the morning and did pooja till the evening. Pramod used to watch her everyday for a week. He even started following her whole day and just kept staring at her the whole time. Vishika also noticed him as he used to just stand and stare at her. So finally she decided to talk to him. Pramod instead of being a gentleman decided to show a bad boy type image. He started to flirt with her, even after repeatedly being told not to. After their initial introduction.

Pramod started eve teasing Vishika everyday as she went into the temple and came outside. This went on till another week. Vishika had become angry and told about all this to her elder brothers. So next day her elder brothers came with her.
Pramod had no idea that today Vishika was not alone. He as always went to her and told her she was looking pretty and has she dressed specially for him. Then she said no but she had brought someone specially to meet him and called her brothers. Looking at the brother Pramod got afraid and started to run. He ran towards the road and was chased by vishika's brothers. Pramod continuously peeked behind to see if the brothers were still following him and so did not see the car that came and hit him.

Pramod was taken to the hospital where the doctors told that as a glass piece has cut into his testis and infected them. They will have to be removed. It was Vishika's brothers who had brought him to hospital. Vishika believed herself to be responsible for the accident. She wanted to help Pramod. So the doctor told her that as the testis have been removed from the body, the male hormone production has stopped. Thus his body will undergo changes that would make him somewhere between male and female. The only possible way to handle the situation was to perform surgery and completely transform his body into a girl. This way Pramod would be able to live his life as a girl instead of suffering mixed gender issues in the body.
Thus Vishika paid for the sexual reassignment surgery of Pramod, who was operated to become Pratigya. She also took care of Pratigya in the hospital. She took her home and also taught her everything a girl her age should know. When Pratigya was finally comfortable living as a girl. She called her home.

Pratigya's family already knew about the operation and how their son was going to return as a daughter after 2 months in the hospital and Vishika's house. Vishika had also supplied increased dosage of female hormones to Pratigya to speed en the change and recovery. So Pratigya's family was curious to know how Pratigya would look now. Pratigya's mother was very happy to have another daughter. Pratigya's dad had already made peace with the truth that he had lost his son in an accident and gained a daughter. He still felt strange while talking to Pratigya on phone as he realized this feminine voice belongs to his new daughter. Pratigya's sister had always wanted a sister instead of a brother. Her wish had been completed. She had been making all the plans to go dress shopping and parlor visits that they would now go together.

When Pratigya arrived at her house, she was welcomed by everyone in the family. Her mother and sister had really like her. They had decided it was their duty now to teach Pratigya things she needed to learn to be a ideal wife. She had to be taught all the household chores. She was trained so that she could be married to some rich guy who would take care of all her needs. Pratigya's father thought her change was only for the better. For Pramod was a useless guy who would never have found a good wife. While as Pratigya, she turned out to be very beautiful and had really learned her lesson. Pratigya had given huge dedication and effort to learning everything about being a wife. She had even started visiting the same temple but this time to pray to God instead of flirting with girls.

His family's hope became true as a city guy saw her in the temple and fell in love with her due to her beauty. He followed her home and talked to Pratigya's parents about marrying her. He even said that he will manage the entire marriage in the city and he did not want any dowry. This was a golden deal for Pratigya's parents as they had two daughters to marry and this way they would really be able to marry Pratigya's sister easily without having huge financial burden. The only issue was that the guy had to return back to the city. He wanted them to send her to the city first. After making all the preparations for marriage he would call them also to come. So he left that day back to city.

After two days Pratigya was made ready to go into the city. She did a lot of shopping and was given a lot of tips. This was first time she would be traveling alone as a girl. So everyone was concerned for her. His parents could not believe they were sending their daughter away from them. They had started to love their new daughter and really wanted her to stay with them forever. Still customs demanded that daughter had to be send away as bride to fulfill her destiny in life.
This was the time that Pratigya's real problem started. When the guy found that Pratigya can never become a mother, he said no to the marriage. Pratigya was left without any place to go in the city. So she tried to get a job. The only job she was able to get was as an office secretary. She had to attend to the calls and demands of her boss for the entire day. They also provided her with accommodation.

Pratigya really found her way in life as she fought everyday problems that a city girl has to face, when living in the city alone. She had to listen to all the flirty remarks and eve teasing without reacting much as she had to protect herself in office and outside. In the office a lot of clients and guests use to stare at her and sometimes ask her lewd questions like did she sleep with anyone in the office. Although because of her beauty she could always get some guy in office to do some work for her. With time she learned to manage people. She knew how to react to everything anybody did. She had also settled well in her lifestyle. She got up early daily, prepared food, cleaned the room, clean her own dishes and clothes, get ready to go to office, take a bus and while returning from office she would shop for groceries and essentials.

She had finally found peace in her life. Then Mohit came to her office. Mohit had been transferred from another city. He was a widower with 2 kids, a 2 year old boy and a three year old girl. The moment he came into the office Pratigya's heart had started to beat faster. She knew this guy was special. In the next few days she tried her best to grab the attention of Mohit. Even Mohit liked her a lot as she was the ideal traditional girl whom he wanted as a wife. It was not long before they started dating and talking to each other a lot. Even the kids liked Pratigya very much. Mohit did not have any parents and only a sister Asmita who also approved of Pratigya as her future sister-in-law. So the happiness after the struggle finally arrived as Mohit proposed to Pratigya for marrying her.

It was during the engagement when everyone was here, including Vishika and her family, Pratigya's relatives and old friends. This got Pratigya to finally think how her entire life had changed because of an accident. She still remembered her life as a guy before her accident. She remembered how after accident she had found it difficult initially to dress up as a girl. She had struggled to remember the change in pronouns and grammar as now she had to speak like a girl and from girl's prospective. How even today sometimes she could make a mistake. She could not forget the day when her hormones had kicked in and she had her first female orgasm. She would always remember time spent with her mother, her sister and Vishika as they taught her to be a girl and wife.

Then came the happiest day of her life. The day she married and became a wife.

After marriage Pratigya found her perfect life. She now managed the house and children. There was a time she thought she could not even survive as a girl and now she was a wife and a mom. She found a best friend in her sister-in-law and a perfect mate in her husband.
nice and clean story
ReplyDeletenice story dear sister keep up the good work